Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Chaos And The Zero Point Field

"We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters."  Peter Thiel 

In order to POWER those flying cars, we will need a portable energy source.

No, really.

Such an energy source does exist: the zero point field. Nikola Tesla was talking about it over 120 years ago. But, we don't yet have such technology. Sorry about that, Dr. T. 

Anyway, I was re-reading James Gleick's great book, Chaos (which I highly recommend). In so doing, I found this very interesting passage:
"...chaos brought an astonishing message: simple deterministic models could produce what looked like random behavior. The behavior actually had an exquisite fine structure, yet any piece of it seemed indistinguishable from noise."
A fine structure, yet indistinguishable from noise. Hmm.

I knew from past research that "noise" is actually a manifestation of the zero point field. So, I wondered, could the process be reversed: could we go from fine-structured noise, to coherence?
Which would give us...energy, from the zero point field.

About 150 pages further on in Gleick's book, I read about Michael Barnsley, then at Georgia Tech, who did just that: he found a way to take any chaotic data set, and recover the equation that would generate just such a chaos pattern.

It's a start, a big start. Now, I can move forward with some confidence that this is actually a solvable problem, and not the impossible dream.

We will be able to power our flying cars.

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